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Seatbelts Save Lives

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAMore than 15,000 lives are saved each year in the United States due to seatbelts. However about 20,000 lives are lost as a result of not wearing them.

There are five ways that seat belts protect us when we are in a car accident:

Seatbelts keep occupants of a vehicle inside. Otherwise your body could be thrown from the vehicle, increasing the likelihood of fatality by four times.

The strongest parts of the body are restrained. Contact is made at the strongest parts of your body (hips and shoulders).

Force from a collision is spread out. This means less stress in put on any one area of the body. The shoulder strap additionally keeps your head and upper body away from the dashboard and steering wheel.

Seat belts slow down the body. The change in speed during a collision jerks the body causing injury. Seat belts give the body more time to react.

Seat belts protect your spinal cord and brain. The two most critical areas in the body are the spine and brain; injuries to both have serious consequences.

Buckle up correctly. Putting your seatbelt on correct is just as important as wearing it. The strap that fits across your lap should be snug over your hips and upper thigh. If your seatbelt rides over the stomach, this can cause serious injuries. Shoulder belts should rest across your shoulders and chest between your breasts. If your shoulder strap falls across your neck or face, it can cause serious or fatal injuries. Additionally, never place the strap under your arms or behind your back.

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The Cunnane Law Office has provided this content for informational purposes only. You should refer your questions to a personal injury attorney.